New Albany city leaders for next four years to be decided in election tomorrow
All of New Albany’s elected officials for the coming four years will be decided in the general election tomorrow, Tuesday, June 6th.
Voters from all of New Albany’s four wards will vote in the lobby of the Union County Courthouse. Polls open at 7 a.m. and will close at 7 p.m.
Although most of the candidate’s on tomorrow’s ballot are incumbents, unopposed in the general election, two of New Albany’s city-wide offices and one position on the board of aldermen will be decided tomorrow. A record number candidates are seeking municipal office this year as Republicans.
The top position on the ballot is for the city’s mayor.
Three-term incumbent Mayor Tim Kent, a Democrat, is seeking his fourth term. He is opposed by Republican nominee Jeff Olson. Olson has served as a Democrat for three terms as First Ward alderman. He switched parties to challenge Kent for the top job.
The Alderman-at-Large position is an open seat, because Scott Dunnam, the incumbent, chose not to run for the job again. Voters will choose between Democrat Larry Dykes, a military veteran and retired public school teacher, and Republican Keith Conlee, who is a sales manager for a national healthcare company. Dykes ran for Ward Three alderman four years ago. Conlee is a newcomer to New Albany elective politics.
The First Ward alderman position is an open seat because Jeff Olson, the incumbent, is running for mayor. Democrat Scott Dunnam, presently serving as Alderman at Large, is instead running as a Democrat for the First Ward seat on the city board. Amy Livingston, a Republican, is Dunnam’s opponent in tomorrow’s election. It is the first time she has sought elective office in New Albany. Dunnam is a building contractor and Livingston is an educator.
Chris Robertson, the incumbent Democrat Chief of Police, is unopposed in the general election.
Also running unopposed are city board incumbents: Johnny Anderson, a Democrat, who is Ward Two alderman; Democrat Kevin Dale White, who holds and will retain the Ward Three seat on the city board; and Republican Will Tucker, the Ward Four alderman. Anderson and Tucker had no opponents in their respective primaries. Kevin Dale White handily defeated a challenger in the Democratic primary. will post election results Tuesday evening.
Below are links to statements by the candidates in the contested elections and also a link to an article about the role of party politics in local elections.
What is gained by “Choosing up sides” in small town local elections?
To read the statements of candidates in contested races:
Jeff Olson, Republican for Mayor
Keith Conlee, Republican for Alderman at Large
Larry Dykes, Democrat for Alderman at Large