Tim Kent, Democrat candidate for Mayor

city election

Shortly after the May 3rd primary for the upcoming city election, each candidate in contested races on the June 6th New Albany general election ballot received an identical questionnaire from NAnewsweb.com. Each was asked to answer four questions. These are the responses in the candidates’ own words. The responses being posted today are the ones of the two candidates for First Ward Alderman. Those for Alderman at Large and Mayor will be posted during the next two days.

  1. What would you like our readers to know about your family, your residency in New Albany and your education?
  2. Would you tell us about the career you have pursued to earn a living?
  3. Why are you running for the office you seek, and, if elected, what do you hope to achieve during your four-year term of service?
  4. What do you believe are the top challenges New Albany faces in the future?


What would you like our readers to know about your family, your residency in New Albany and your education?

I am the son of Jonnie Kent and the late Billy Kent. I have been married to my wife Shellie for the past 35 years. We have three children: Austin who owns a business in New Albany; Kevin, who works as an E.R nurse at Baptist Memorial Hospital- Union County here in New Albany; and Kristin, who also owns a business in New Albany.

My father Billy Kent owned a business in New Albany for 25 years before he retired. My family has been a part of this city all of my life, and I truly have New Albany’s best interests at heart.

I am a lifelong resident of New Albany and have been committed to serving with honesty and integrity during the three terms that I have been Mayor. I am a 1980 graduate of the University of North Alabama.


Would you tell us about the career you have pursued to earn a living?

I worked with Liberty National Insurance Company upon graduating from college and worked there until 1995. I then went to work for the New Albany Police Dept. I worked for NAPD until I was elected Mayor in 2005 and have served as mayor since then. The 22 years that I have been working for the City of New Albany have come from a true desire to serve the people of this great city.


Why are you running for the office you seek, and, if elected, what do you hope to achieve during your four-year term of service?

Again, a sincere desire to serve the people of New Albany. I am proud of what the people of New Albany have accomplished during my time as mayor. I want to keep New Albany moving forward as we have been, to assure a safe, good quality of life for the citizens of New Albany.


What do you believe are the top challenges New Albany faces in the future? 

One of our main concerns is our infrastructure.  We need to try to get more quality housing in New Albany, either to rent or to own. We  must continue to encourage our young people to stay in our city by making sure diversified employment is available to them. We must help investors, who are willing to rebuild some of our blighted neighborhoods, through tax abatements, variances in lot restrictions and anything we can to do encourage new residential construction in New Albany.

To read posts of other candidates in contested races:

Jeff Olson, Republican for Mayor

Keith Conlee, Republican for Alderman  at Large

Larry Dykes, Democrat for Alderman at Large

Scott Dunnam, Democrat for Alderman Ward One

Amy Livingston, Republican for Alderman Ward One