Long-standing Middle School eyesore remedied by Sustainability Committee
A badly eroded and unsafe eyesore has been worsening for years at the New Albany Middle School and an attractive remedy is nearly complete.
The hazard at the intersection of Apple and Glade streets resulted from dirt washing away from under a sidewalk that hundreds of middle school students have used daily for decades. Long ignored, it also resulted in a near perpetual mud hole at the northwest corner of the school campus.
Himber Lemus Company workers have the new landscape features underway.
Action to correct the eyesore was initiated by the New Albany Sustainability Committee, a committee appointed by the city board of aldermen and known until recently as the “beautification committee.”
The solution started with cleaning and leveling up the mud hole. Then a nice-looking brick retaining wall was built, which will prevent further erosion.
Wednesday afternoon workmen finished installing brick pavers, creating a small semi-circular patio area in the same spot as the venerable mud puddle.
New landscape plantings will complete this improvement to the New Albany Middle School campus.
New landscape planting will complete the project in coming days. Work on the probject was performed by Himber Lemus Company. Design work and supervision for the project was donated by Sam Creekmore of Creekmore Landscaping in New Albny
Funding for the work was provided by the New Albany Sustainability Committee, and the New Albany Public Schools.