Ingomar Mound Day events rescheduled for November 14th


Due to rain on Saturday, the Ingomar Mound event  was postponed, and will be held on Nov. 14, weather permitting from 10 – 2 at the mound site on CR 96.

Mississippi State University Cobb Institute archaeologist Evan Peacock as well as others from the Institute will be on hand for flint knapping demonstration and tours.   Blue Mountain students will be assisting with the event. The Atlatl Competition will be held beginning at 11:15 for Little Hunter, ages to 10 ;  youth – 11- 15 and 16 – adult.

Objects may be brought for identification and there will be craft stations for children.  For more information call the Union County Heritage Museum at 662-538-0014.

For more information about the event: Ingomar Mound Day Activites expanded.


Jill N. Smith


Union County Heritage Museum

114 Cleveland Street

New Albany, Mississippi 38652



“I discovered that my own little postage stamp of native soil was worth writing about,

and that I would never live long enough to exhaust it.”

William Faulkner

For more information about the event: Ingomar Mound Day Activites expanded.